Welcome To Fusion Retirement Services
Independent. Unbiased. Objective.
Medicare has many different parts and options. Making smart decisions can potentially save you thousands of dollars in your retirement. Making a mistake can mean a lifetime of penalties.
We’ve helped thousands of folks just like you who are trying to make sense of Medicare. Give us a call for a no obligation discussion of your situation.
What Best Describes Your Situation?

I’m Turning 65 & Want
To Start Medicare
You’ll need to enroll in Medicare Parts A & B. You’re first step is getting enrolled in Medicare. Learn more.

I’m Turning 65 & Do Not Want
To Start Medicare
You are not required to enroll in Medicare if you have creditable coverage from an employer sponsored plan. Learn more.

I’m Over 65 & Need
Medicare Now
Assuming you have had creditable coverage, you can sign up for Medicare without a penalty at any age over 65. Learn more.
Who We Are
Will Buckley, CFP® & Rose Buckley
Fusion Retirement Services is a family agency dedicated exclusively to helping folks understand their Medicare coverage options. Will and his mother Rose have helped over 5,000 people with their benefits. We are INDEPENDENT and do not work for the insurance companies…we work for you.
Visit out “about us” page for more details about our backgrounds and credentials.

Top carriers
Trusted by Clients.
There are many insurance companies that offer plans to compliment your Medicare coverage. Let us help you make an informed decision about your options. When working with an agent the price you pay for your coverage is the same as going direct, but you have a professional working on your behalf and helping you understand your options. and shop the plans. You don’t pay us a nickel!
Many companies provide discounts for a variety of reasons and we’ll make sure you receive what you deserve. Why pay more? We’ll shop, you’ll save.
24 W. Market Street
Suite 3
West Chester, PA 19380
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
Hours: 9am - 5pm
(800) 431-1946